Advancing affordable, reliable clean energy for Texas

TEBA includes more than 300 companies across Texas. Our members employ hundreds of thousands of employees in thousands of facilities here — relying on more than 23 gigawatts of innovative energy projects in the state. 

Without renewables, skyrocketing energy prices could bankrupt Texas businesses. We need the affordable, reliable power renewable energy provides and the competitive energy market that’s driving the Texas economy.

TEBA companies came to Texas in part because of its dependable, business-friendly energy market. We count on the low-cost, reliable electricity that the state’s nation-leading renewable energy sources provide.

Renewable energy is helping Texas meet record electricity demand and reduce energy prices — saving Texans billions of dollars. By doubling down on the state’s energy leadership, Texans will see lower bills and increased reliability.

Let's lower electricity bills for employers and families.
The Texas Energy Buyers Alliance (TEBA) is working with small and large employers across Texas to reduce energy costs, protect the state’s competitive energy market, and ensure our infrastructure meets the state’s future needs.

Our Key Objectives

Without renewables, skyrocketing energy prices could have bankrupted some companies. Texas employers need the affordable, reliable power provided by renewable energy sources.

Texas’ competitive energy market is proving that it can meet the ever-growing demands of the Texas economy. The state needs to support our energy marketplace, not undermine it.

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